By Leslie Kerr
I was born and raised in Edmonton Alberta. My husband, children and I spent every one of our summer holidays in the Kootenays and fell in love with the whole area. We were finally able to make the big move and relocated here two years ago. I’ve had many interesting and fulfilling jobs over the years but never one as cool as this one. If you had told me when I was in Edmonton that one day I’d be living in the Kootenays making beeswax candles I wouldn’t have believed it! Kaslo and its people are so unique. It was interesting and surprising to find a business like Honey Candles tucked away in the mountains. I was excited about being able to work here when I was offered a job. Roy and Leah, the owners are awesome and the whole Honey Candles crew is incredible. We are a very hardworking and talented group in so many ways.
I make several different kinds of natural beeswax Honey Candles. I can be called on to make Votives, Ornamentals or Pillars, whichever product is in demand that day. We all feel privileged to work with natural beeswax and enjoy turning it into premium quality candles. We have a great shop and work with people who are proud of their part in the process. The shop is focused on ‘environmentally friendly’. We reuse, reduce and recycle everything! Even our remnant wax is turned into Life Candles that we send to families in crisis through Canadian Food for Children. I was recently part of this project when several children came to the shop to work with us. I loved it. What an opportunity for young children to learn about giving back to the world!
I burn Honey Candles daily in my home. They are not only beautiful but help purify the air. It makes me happy to see them glowing. I love all the Honey Candles but if I had to choose just one it would be the 3 inch natural beeswax Pillar. My family and friends are hooked now too and are buying their Honey Candles in and around Edmonton. What beautiful gifts they make on my visits ‘home’.