I almost cannot believe the high quality of these candles….I have used many many different kinds of candles in various types of occasions, holidays, birthdays, festivals and kitchen pleasure, and I have burned beeswax candles for many years as well.
These are the highest quality candles I have ever burned, period. You get such a clean, bright burn, and such a good light and an amazing re-light. The wicks are exceptional. They also do not easily fray. This is important if you are a person who likes to light using electric lighters. I was one of the first to jump on board when electric lighters became available, then backed off quickly when I saw that they fray and split all my nice candle wicks in half, and then cause then to smoke. The electric lighters sort of cut the fabric of wicks with the electrical shock as they are trying to light it. Not with honey candles! I lit it with the electric and it was perfect and no ripping or fraying right away. And what a sweet, super smooth re-light of the candles!
As someone who absolutely loves candles (so much so that I’ve often considered candle making) these are the highest quality candles I have ever burned. The only reasons I’m giving 4 stars instead of 5 is I did not realize just how tiny these particular candles are. (My mistake, they are in the measurement) I purchased them to use in little vases filled with rocks originally, to be part of a birthday table display, in a similar vase setup as shown in the video above where they light the candle to demonstrate it.
In real life however they seemed so small…..I thought all I could use them for is glorified matches! I contacted the customer service and they were very very friendly and prompt and offered remedy for the situation right away! I made a very big order from honey candles, as it was a birthday present for me to enjoy from family, so I bought many candles from honey candles to try for the first time. So far, like many people, the big ones are so pretty that I keep them displayed :). The honey scent is so lovely I often go right up to them and smell them for the sweetness, without them even needing to be on. This in itself has brought me so much joy.
It took me a long time to figure out what to do with these smaller candles, so I thought maybe my first thought could be literal; I could use them like matches. Since I’m trying to be eco friendly and not use butane lighters all the time for all of my lighting needs, and since most candles out there do fray quite a bit and it causes a lot of uneven fire, using electric lighters to ignite the wick, I figured I will first light a gala candle, then use it to light all the others around. And it works beautifully! Hardly a drip, literally hardly, less than any other beeswax candle or otherwise that I have ever used, and gorgeous bright light and it stays on a very comfortable long time so I can patiently go candle by candle around.
I use the honey candles candle snuffer (which I’ve officially declared is a must safety feature in any home, a very precise pinch that I feel very comfortable with, in some ways more than a bell) to snuff it out when I done lighting everything and I’ve been able to re use the same gala candle many times to light all my others.
Absolutely beautiful quality of these candles, I can’t wait to come back for another big honey candles order. Packaging was well and beautiful too, and also very eco friendly.
Thank you honey candles so much for making something that I can trust, with quality truly above anything else I’ve ever had, and that brightens and gives me so much joy!