You’ve purchased your natural beeswax Honey Candles® for the holidays and you are ready to make a holiday ‘candle bouquet’ or a candlescape. If you are like me you like to buy your beeswax Honey Candles® well in advance so they are beautifully ‘bloomed’. Some of us like our furniture to look antiqued; some of us like our blue jeans soft and faded; I like my beeswax candles frosted with ‘bloom’. The more ‘bloomed’ they are the more they appear covered with tiny snowflakes or crystals. ‘Bloom’ is only present on pure beeswax candles. It is an indication of purity. If your preference is for a shine on your beeswax candle take a soft cloth and polish it. Voila – the ‘bloom’ is gone and you have a smooth shiny beeswax candle that looks like new. To find out more about bloom and polishing your candles I suggest you go to our Beeswax info section on ‘Bloom’.
To make your candlescape choose your holders and consider the color scheme you want. You may wish to go simply with Natural or White beeswax Honey Candles® Pillars and dress them up with cranberries or holly. Maybe you prefer Burgundy or Red Tapers or Pillars with some green boughs or some gold or silver bling. Or try one of our shades of green Honey Candles® with a red or silver ornament. I sometimes like to arrange my candles on a large brass oval tray. Be sure to leave some space between your pillars as beeswax burns very hot and can affect the pillar beside it. It can actually soften the side so that it may burn through the side spilling wax. In this photo the two smaller squares were a little close and after burning for an hour or so they needed to be spaced further apart.
Whatever pleases you make pure natural beeswax Honey Candles® are part of your ‘green’ Christmas. Remember they are air purifying and totally non-toxic. I recently had someone who is asthmatic and has problems breathing in large crowds purchase Honey Candles® to burn at the dinner tables to keep the air fresh and clean for the 200 people attending their anniversary event.
If candlelight, elegance and style are important to you as well as a healthy home have pure beeswax Honey Candles® burning in your home during the holidays! There is nothing like the ambiance created by the golden flame of long burning pure beeswax Honey Candles®. Don't forget the bonus of the natural honey scent that fills the air and blends with the woodsy smell of your Christmas tree.
Happy Holidays from all of us at Honey Candles®!