One of the favorite things we like to do as a staff is to celebrate our birthdays. Someone bakes a cake and during our lunch break we break into a rendition of Happy Birthday usually off key but always good spirited. Then we 'break cake'. Here's Owner/Production Manager Roy with his birthday cake this spring. Elaine found out he likes anything with lemon so lemon cake with lemon icing it was! It was as yummy as it looks!
This tradition has been going on since before I started work in 2004. It often has led to recipe exchanges and long explanations on our cake baking skills. It is always nice to enjoy birthday cake and the added benefit is that it has the effect of slowing us down for a minute and connecting with our fellow employees. These are usually the times we get to find out when each other's families are visiting or we are visiting them. Or who is going to be a gramma or grandpa next (or again). On occasion we have our younger staff go on maternity leave. We don't usually see them come back but the grammas stick around. I didn’t bring a camera to all our birthday celebrations this year but here are a few photos of some of our staff with their birthday cakes.
Here's Lorna who is a very experienced beeswax candle maker. She is the longtime tealight maker. She also makes votives. Recently she has taken on making all the candlesticks. This cake was made by Ayzel who spent the summer making beeswax birthday candles for us. It is a carrot cake made with Lorna's home grown carrots. Lorna recently moved a little closer to the Honey Candles shop and she says what she really loves is her commute to work that consists of a walk through the woods.
Of course we have the best accessories to top our birthday cakes - pure beeswax Honey Candles® Birthday Candles. The number of beeswax birthday candles on the cakes often don't mean anything during our birthday celebrations! It is usually up to the birthday boy or girl and is often just what looks good! Leslie is here with her beeswax birthday candles on her chocolate cake. As always Leslie is lively and filling the shop with her good humor.
We hope that you make Honey Candles® beeswax Birthday Candles a part of your family birthday tradition!