Not all Candleholders are Standard Sizes
It’s pretty hard to decide on what size to make a beeswax candle. What we have noticed is there doesn’t seem to be a lot of candle holder size standardization. This became very evident when we recently took photos for the new beeswax Honey Candles® Hanukkah candles. The candles fit perfectly in one of the holders. In the other holders they were a little small. We took a photo with each of the candle holders side by side so you could see the difference. It’s hard to make a ‘standard’ size when there is so much variation. We say that our 5 inch by 3/8 inch Hanukkah candles fit most menorahs or hanukiah. If they turn out to be slightly small you can drip a little wax in the holder to hold the candles firm. If they are a little large a little wax shaving on the bottom of the candle will help. We try hard to make our candles fit your holders but there are so many sizes it isn’t possible. We hope that one of our beeswax candles handmade here in Canada, are perfect for you.