I am the voice that usually answers the phone at Honey Candles. I have been taking your orders and answering your questions about beeswax candles for more than seven years. Everything is moving so fast these days being in an industry and a job that long means I’ve seen lots of changes and my job description has evolved with the times. Something that hasn't changed is our commitment to exemplary customer service. Next to the quality of our candles that is what we get the most kudos for.
I’ve lived most of my ‘grown-up’ life somewhere near Kootenay Lake in British Columbia. I spent years working through almost every job at a small printing press, then as an assistant manager in a small business. In 2004 I made the fortuitous move to Honey Candles Ltd. I’ve always been interested in education and I was an elected school trustee for 15 of those years. I have recently travelled a bit and adamantly feel besides strong relationships with friends and family, that finding new perspectives and surroundings are what really makes one ‘rich’ in the brief time we are on this planet. Here's a photo taken at Bryce Canyon in Utah earlier this year.
Honey Candles is an exceptional place to work and it attracts good people to work with. I like selling a clean natural product like beeswax candles. It fits with who I am. I enjoy healthy eating and growing a garden. Physical fitness has been my way of life for many years. My husband and I recently bought kayaks and that has opened up a whole new aspect of living on Kootenay Lake for us this summer.
Here is my beautiful kayak with a Honey Candles® Emergency Candle set to go into the hatch!
I love to burn all the Honey Candles® styles. It depends on what I’m doing and how long I need a candle to burn before I decide which candle to light up. If I have a project or book I’m reading for the evening I will likely burn a natural beeswax pillar, tealight or votive. Colored tapers appear on my dinner table and I love to have natural beeswax 9 inch bases for just about everything. I love 'bloom’ on beeswax candles. I know that many of our customers prefer a polished shiny candle but ‘bloom’ to me on a beeswax candle gives it richness.
I like selling a product that is made in Canada and that I have confidence in and know has health benefits. As a beeswax candle burner I have accumulated years of experience so that I am able to help customers if they run in to a problem. As part of the evolvement of my job I found myself the social media person and ‘blogger’ for Honey Candles last year. So I really have put my experience to use and in to words as you will know if you have read very many of my blogs. I have made it my goal to have a blog or two that I can refer customers to every time they have a question about Honey Candles® and burning beeswax candles properly. New questions spark another blog so I hope you keep asking! If you have a 'best' candle burning tip that I haven't mentioned in one of my previous blogs please let me know about it. I'm sure I can incorporate it into a blog somewhere!