Beeswax Blog

Why are Natural Beeswax Candles so Expensive?

Why are Natural Beeswax Candles so Expensive?

date date Pat Cattermole
As the Honey Candles® Sales Manager I get asked that a lot. Why are natural beeswax candles so expensive? The short answer is they really aren’t.  It’s about...
Beautiful Versatile Honey Candles® Natural Beeswax 9 inch Base

Beautiful Versatile Honey Candles® Natural Beeswax 9 inch Base

date date Pat Cattermole
A long time customer favourite, the Honey Candles® 9 inch Base has earned its place in your homes. Exceedingly versatile with a tapered bottom to fit many different sizes...
Putting Natural Beeswax Honey Candles® into your Chinese New Year!

Putting Natural Beeswax Honey Candles® into your Chinese New Year!

date date Pat Cattermole
It is the Chinese New Year on January 23rd. It is the year of the Dragon! I wanted to know if there was a tradition involving candles around...
Quality Does Not Come Out of Chaos!

Quality Does Not Come Out of Chaos!

date date Pat Cattermole
At Honey Candles® we know that all pure natural beeswax candles are not created equally. We work hard to ensure pure beeswax Honey Candles® are only premium quality....
Honey Candles Reduces Energy Use Naturally

Honey Candles Reduces Energy Use Naturally

date date Pat Cattermole
Honey Candles® 100% pure natural beeswax candles are manufactured in Kaslo in the West Kootenay area of British Columbia in Canada. Because British Columbia has an abundance of...
Honey Candles for Your Holidays

Honey Candles for Your Holidays

date date Pat Cattermole
You’ve purchased your natural beeswax Honey Candles® for the holidays and you are ready to make a holiday ‘candle bouquet’ or a candlescape. If you are like me you...